Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Faithful and True Witness - May 28, 2006

A Faithful and True Witness

Texts: Acts 1:1-11; I John 5:9-13

With present-day discussion about "The DaVinci Code" and the "Gospel of Judas," the Church is challenged to consider why it places its faith in the message revealed through the current scriptural Canon. As we consider the witness of those early Apostles, our faith is strengthened by the realization that they were willing to suffer and die because of the message that they testified about. Are we prepared to be that faithful and true witness in our world today?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Faith is the Victory - May 21, 2006

Faith is the Victory

Texts: John 15:9-17; I John 5:1-5

The mission of the church is not to be a safe place for the saved and the sanctified, but to take the message of hope and holiness to the world around us. We're not the church primarily when we're gathered within these four walls, we're the church primarily when we're away from these four walls engaging our world as conduits of the "wonderful, matchless grace of Jesus." We're called to love others. How do you know that you are loving others? By loving God. Both our love for God and our love for others are derived from God's love for us.

With this backdrop, Pastor Jon looks at the potential reasons why the Church in North America is failing to grow at the same pace of churches around the world. Is it possible that we are no longer finding lost people because we believe that lost people don't want to be found? Is it possible that we know the reasons they would reject Christ better than they know those reasons? Do we lack the victory that Jesus promised because our faith needs to be strenghtened?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Abiding in Him - May 14, 2006

Abiding in Him

Text: John 15:1-8; I John 4:7-21

On Mother's Day, we are reminded that the most basic and fundamental characteristic of God's nature is love. Not only does "love" describe who God is, but we also realize that God defines our understanding of "love." The call of Scripture is for us to abide in God so that He abides in us. Instead of settling for being "saved from Hell," we are to be in an intimate relationship with our Creator. Perhaps this intimacy is best pictured by the intimate abiding of a mother and unborn child. How do you know you love God? When you produce fruit and love others.