The Sign of Immanuel
Texts: Isaiah 7:1-16, Matthew 1:18-25, Psalm 95
Recognizing that the prophecy in Isaiah 7 is fulfilled (in part) in 730BC and fulfilled (in completeness) in the birth of Jesus, Pastor Jon looks at the lessons we might learn from King Ahaz's response to the foreign policy crisis he found himself facing. When we face crisis, may we first turn toward God, may we stand firm in our faith, and may we be prepared to hear a word from God at all times.
Pastor Jon Twitchell brings weekly biblically-based sermons to the Cape Elizabeth (Maine) Church of the Nazarene. You're invited to listen in through this podcast. Get more information at
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Hope for the Hopeless - December 9, 2007
Hope for the Hopeless
Text: Isaiah 11:1-10
View the photo of "Isaiah's Christmas Tree" here.
Pastor Jon uses the image of hope found in Isaiah 11 as an example of how God's promises are forever, and that even when the promise seems to be challenged, God has a plan. In looking at scripture, we find many examples when God's promise was challenged, but we see His hand at work anyway. May you also find that God is a source of hope in the midst of whatever hopeless situation you encounter this Advent. May you also bring hope into the world around you as you point people to salvation in Jesus the Christ.
Text: Isaiah 11:1-10
View the photo of "Isaiah's Christmas Tree" here.
Pastor Jon uses the image of hope found in Isaiah 11 as an example of how God's promises are forever, and that even when the promise seems to be challenged, God has a plan. In looking at scripture, we find many examples when God's promise was challenged, but we see His hand at work anyway. May you also find that God is a source of hope in the midst of whatever hopeless situation you encounter this Advent. May you also bring hope into the world around you as you point people to salvation in Jesus the Christ.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Walk in the Light - December 2, 2007
Walk in the Light
Text: Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14
On this First Sunday of Advent, Pastor Jon looks at the vision Isaiah had concerning the future coming of the Kingdom of God. As we consider how we ought to live "between the two advents" we are reminded of Isaiah's exhortation to "walk in the light of the Lord." In a world filled with war, hatred, and darkness, we are to be agents of peace, love, and light. As we walk in the light, may we see His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Text: Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14
On this First Sunday of Advent, Pastor Jon looks at the vision Isaiah had concerning the future coming of the Kingdom of God. As we consider how we ought to live "between the two advents" we are reminded of Isaiah's exhortation to "walk in the light of the Lord." In a world filled with war, hatred, and darkness, we are to be agents of peace, love, and light. As we walk in the light, may we see His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Living by Faith - November 18, 2007
Living by Faith
Text: Luke 21:5-19; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Join us as we take a look at Jesus' response to a casual observation about the beauty of the temple. Pastor Jon encourages us to consider the "temples" in our lives--the tangible and visible elements that we are tempted to place our faith in. Instead of trusting in temporary security blankets, we are to put our faith in the invisible and eternal truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Text: Luke 21:5-19; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Join us as we take a look at Jesus' response to a casual observation about the beauty of the temple. Pastor Jon encourages us to consider the "temples" in our lives--the tangible and visible elements that we are tempted to place our faith in. Instead of trusting in temporary security blankets, we are to put our faith in the invisible and eternal truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church - November 11, 2007
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Text: Hebrews 11:32-12:4; Psalm 46
Did you know that there are an estimated 200 million Christians who live in places where they can be persecuted for their faith in Jesus? For the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene attempted to simulate a portion of a secret worship service. We gathered in darkness and silence, with the shades pulled and the scriptures read in whispers. Listen to this message that Pastor Jon shared with the congregation about the persecuted church, and how we ought to live our lives. Join with us in prayer, as we lift their burdens to the Lord.
Some materials for the message were adapted and quoted from materials provided by Voice of the Martyrs and International Christian Concern.
Text: Hebrews 11:32-12:4; Psalm 46
Did you know that there are an estimated 200 million Christians who live in places where they can be persecuted for their faith in Jesus? For the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene attempted to simulate a portion of a secret worship service. We gathered in darkness and silence, with the shades pulled and the scriptures read in whispers. Listen to this message that Pastor Jon shared with the congregation about the persecuted church, and how we ought to live our lives. Join with us in prayer, as we lift their burdens to the Lord.
Some materials for the message were adapted and quoted from materials provided by Voice of the Martyrs and International Christian Concern.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Zacchaeus - November 4, 2007
Texts: Luke 19:1-10; Hebrews 12:1-2; Luke 18:15-17, 35-43
In looking at the familiar story of Zacchaeus, Pastor Jon looks at the the lessons we can learn when we consider how we are like Zacchaeus, and the ways in which we might be like the crowds of Jesus' followers.
Texts: Luke 19:1-10; Hebrews 12:1-2; Luke 18:15-17, 35-43
In looking at the familiar story of Zacchaeus, Pastor Jon looks at the the lessons we can learn when we consider how we are like Zacchaeus, and the ways in which we might be like the crowds of Jesus' followers.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
God, Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner - October 28, 2007
God, Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner
Text: Luke 18:9-14; Luke 6:36-37
Once again, Jesus takes our understanding of the Kingdom of God and turns it upside down. By looking at the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Jesus helps us to understand the value of our own righteousness as compared to the value of God's mercy and grace. This week, Pastor Jon asks the listener to consider ways in which they might be like the Pharisee, and ways that they might be like the tax collector. May we all be reminded that we are but sinners, in need of God's mercy and grace.
Text: Luke 18:9-14; Luke 6:36-37
Once again, Jesus takes our understanding of the Kingdom of God and turns it upside down. By looking at the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Jesus helps us to understand the value of our own righteousness as compared to the value of God's mercy and grace. This week, Pastor Jon asks the listener to consider ways in which they might be like the Pharisee, and ways that they might be like the tax collector. May we all be reminded that we are but sinners, in need of God's mercy and grace.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Parable of the Persistent Widow - October 21, 2007
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Texts: Luke 17:20-35; Luke 18:1-8; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Luke 11:5-13
Pastor Jon takes a fresh look at the "Parable of the Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge" by looking first at the larger context in which the parable is placed within the Gospel of Luke. Despite the bad news that we may see around us, Jesus encourages us to 'hold fast, don't lose heart, and keep the faith.' Find more sermons at our website:
Texts: Luke 17:20-35; Luke 18:1-8; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Luke 11:5-13
Pastor Jon takes a fresh look at the "Parable of the Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge" by looking first at the larger context in which the parable is placed within the Gospel of Luke. Despite the bad news that we may see around us, Jesus encourages us to 'hold fast, don't lose heart, and keep the faith.' Find more sermons at our website:
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Where are the Other Nine? - October 7, 2007
"Where are the Other Nine?"
Text: Luke 17:11-19
The miracle of the 10 lepers helps us to understand the difference between being cured and being made whole. Pastor Jon looks at many of the lessons found in this miracle, encouraging us to leave behind the lesser things in order to follow after Jesus and seek wholeness & wellness. The service concludes with Pastor Jon & Melody and their friends Jeff & Dorothy Turner singing, "I am Resolved."
Text: Luke 17:11-19
The miracle of the 10 lepers helps us to understand the difference between being cured and being made whole. Pastor Jon looks at many of the lessons found in this miracle, encouraging us to leave behind the lesser things in order to follow after Jesus and seek wholeness & wellness. The service concludes with Pastor Jon & Melody and their friends Jeff & Dorothy Turner singing, "I am Resolved."
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Wrong Side of the Tracks - September 30, 2007
"The Wrong Side of the Tracks"
Text: Luke 16:19-31
The parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus" reminds us of the difference between the "haves" and the "have-nots." Pastor Jon shares a number of lessons from this parable, encouraging us to care for the poor and needy among us, and to share the Good News of the Gospel with all people--regardless of which side of the tracks they live.
Text: Luke 16:19-31
The parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus" reminds us of the difference between the "haves" and the "have-nots." Pastor Jon shares a number of lessons from this parable, encouraging us to care for the poor and needy among us, and to share the Good News of the Gospel with all people--regardless of which side of the tracks they live.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
People vs. Possessions - September 23, 2007
"People vs. Possessions"
Text: Luke 16:1-15
Pastor Jon offers some thoughts based upon the parable of the shrewd (and dishonest) manager. While the particular parable presents some interpretive difficulties, there are lessons that can be applied to our lives based upon this interesting story.
Text: Luke 16:1-15
Pastor Jon offers some thoughts based upon the parable of the shrewd (and dishonest) manager. While the particular parable presents some interpretive difficulties, there are lessons that can be applied to our lives based upon this interesting story.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Greatest Homecoming - September 16, 2007
"The Greatest Homecoming"
Texts: Luke 15:11-32; Luke 15:1-2; II Corinthians 5:18-20
As part of the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarenes's Fortieth Anniversary Homecoming Celebration, Pastor Jon Twitchell shares some thoughts from one of the richest of Jesus' parables. In looking at the Prodigal Son, we see a call for us to forsake the ways of the Older Brother, in order to be more like the Father--seeking out the lost and welcoming them home with a great homecoming celebration. May all of our Homecoming celebrations be a foretaste of that Great Homecoming!
Texts: Luke 15:11-32; Luke 15:1-2; II Corinthians 5:18-20
As part of the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarenes's Fortieth Anniversary Homecoming Celebration, Pastor Jon Twitchell shares some thoughts from one of the richest of Jesus' parables. In looking at the Prodigal Son, we see a call for us to forsake the ways of the Older Brother, in order to be more like the Father--seeking out the lost and welcoming them home with a great homecoming celebration. May all of our Homecoming celebrations be a foretaste of that Great Homecoming!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Freedom to Do Right - August 26, 2007
"Freedom to Do Right"
Text: Luke 13:10-17; Hebrews 12:14, 18-24; Galatians 5:1, 13-25
Pastor Jon looks at the relationship between grace and the law, and the freedom that we have in Christ. This is not a freedom to "do what we want, any old time," but freedom to do God's will and to live according to the Spirit.
Text: Luke 13:10-17; Hebrews 12:14, 18-24; Galatians 5:1, 13-25
Pastor Jon looks at the relationship between grace and the law, and the freedom that we have in Christ. This is not a freedom to "do what we want, any old time," but freedom to do God's will and to live according to the Spirit.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Not Peace, but Division - August 19, 2007
"Not Peace, but Division"
Text: Luke 12:49-53; Matthew 10:32-39; Hebrews 11:35-38
Jesus says that He came to earth, not to bring peace, but division. Pastor Jon explores this hard saying of Jesus, and challenges us to put our relationship with Jesus before every other relationship. The message concludes with a look at those who put Jesus before their own life.
Text: Luke 12:49-53; Matthew 10:32-39; Hebrews 11:35-38
Jesus says that He came to earth, not to bring peace, but division. Pastor Jon explores this hard saying of Jesus, and challenges us to put our relationship with Jesus before every other relationship. The message concludes with a look at those who put Jesus before their own life.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Daily Kingdom Living - August 12, 2007
"Daily Kingdom Living"
Text: Luke 12:22-40; I Kings 3:5-14
Pastor Jon continues to look at the parable of the farmer, and how the message of stewardship applies to windfalls. Jesus calls his "little flock" to sell their possessions and give to the poor. By doing so, they reflect the generous heart of God, and demonstrate their faith that He will care for their needs. As followers of Christ, we are called to be ready for His return, by living daily according to Kingdom principles.
Text: Luke 12:22-40; I Kings 3:5-14
Pastor Jon continues to look at the parable of the farmer, and how the message of stewardship applies to windfalls. Jesus calls his "little flock" to sell their possessions and give to the poor. By doing so, they reflect the generous heart of God, and demonstrate their faith that He will care for their needs. As followers of Christ, we are called to be ready for His return, by living daily according to Kingdom principles.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Hungry? - August 5, 2007
Text: Psalm 107:1-9; Luke 12:13-21; Matthew 5:6; Matthew 6:25-34
What was the matter with the farmer and his abundant crop? Was he greedy? lazy? foolish? Or perhaps, he was simply given a blessing, and failed to thank God for the blessing and ask what he should do with the blessing. This week, Pastor Jon uses the image of hunger to help us understand what it means to be truly hungry for God.
Text: Psalm 107:1-9; Luke 12:13-21; Matthew 5:6; Matthew 6:25-34
What was the matter with the farmer and his abundant crop? Was he greedy? lazy? foolish? Or perhaps, he was simply given a blessing, and failed to thank God for the blessing and ask what he should do with the blessing. This week, Pastor Jon uses the image of hunger to help us understand what it means to be truly hungry for God.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Praying the Lord's Prayer - July 29, 2007
"Praying the Lord's Prayer"
Texts: Luke 11:1-13; Matthew 6:9-13
Pastor Jon issues a challenge to carefully pray through the Lord's Prayer twice a day for the next week, before presenting our list of "prayer requests" to the Father. By carefully exploring each line of the prayer, we are better able to understand how we are to relate to God, and the way in which prayer can transform us.
Texts: Luke 11:1-13; Matthew 6:9-13
Pastor Jon issues a challenge to carefully pray through the Lord's Prayer twice a day for the next week, before presenting our list of "prayer requests" to the Father. By carefully exploring each line of the prayer, we are better able to understand how we are to relate to God, and the way in which prayer can transform us.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sweet Hour of Prayer - July 22, 2007
"Sweet Hour of Prayer"
Text: Luke 10:38-42
Pastor Jon explores the relationship between "Being" and "Doing" by looking at the narrative of Mary and Martha. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus while Martha worried herself in the kitchen. Scripture doesn't teach that we should never be people of action, but that our activity should flow out of our time with the Lord. We are to be in a posture of receptivity, we are to be motivated by our time with the Lord, we are to set our to do list aside in favor of His to do list, and our attitude should be one of cheerful peacefulness.
Text: Luke 10:38-42
Pastor Jon explores the relationship between "Being" and "Doing" by looking at the narrative of Mary and Martha. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus while Martha worried herself in the kitchen. Scripture doesn't teach that we should never be people of action, but that our activity should flow out of our time with the Lord. We are to be in a posture of receptivity, we are to be motivated by our time with the Lord, we are to set our to do list aside in favor of His to do list, and our attitude should be one of cheerful peacefulness.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Calling Down Fire - July 1, 2007
"Calling Down Fire"
Text: Psalm 16; II Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62
Ever been angry? Really angry? Ever dismissed someone entirely because they didn't do what you wanted, or think the way you think? Ever treated someone like they weren't worth the oxygen that they breathe? Listen to what happens in Luke chapter 9 when James and John offer to call down fire on a Samaritan village.
Text: Psalm 16; II Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62
Ever been angry? Really angry? Ever dismissed someone entirely because they didn't do what you wanted, or think the way you think? Ever treated someone like they weren't worth the oxygen that they breathe? Listen to what happens in Luke chapter 9 when James and John offer to call down fire on a Samaritan village.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Grow Up - June 17, 2007
"Grow Up"
Text: Psalm 5:1-8; I Kings 21:1-21a; Galatians 2:15-21; Luke 7:36-8:3
What is your motivation for good behavior? Do you behave in order to obtain rewards? Do you avoid evil in order to avoid punishment? Or, like the woman in our Gospel lesson, do you choose to do good as a response to God's amazing grace?
Text: Psalm 5:1-8; I Kings 21:1-21a; Galatians 2:15-21; Luke 7:36-8:3
What is your motivation for good behavior? Do you behave in order to obtain rewards? Do you avoid evil in order to avoid punishment? Or, like the woman in our Gospel lesson, do you choose to do good as a response to God's amazing grace?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
A New Lease on Life - June 10, 2007
"A New Lease on Life"
Texts: Psalm 146:5-10; I Kings 17:8-24; Galatians 1:11-24 ; Luke 7:11-17
Pastor Jon poses a series of questions designed to help us consider how we live our lives. Like the widow's son in Zarephath, and the widow's son in Nain, and like Saul (the persecutor of the Church), we have been offered a new lease on life. What decisions will you make? How will you live your life?
Texts: Psalm 146:5-10; I Kings 17:8-24; Galatians 1:11-24 ; Luke 7:11-17
Pastor Jon poses a series of questions designed to help us consider how we live our lives. Like the widow's son in Zarephath, and the widow's son in Nain, and like Saul (the persecutor of the Church), we have been offered a new lease on life. What decisions will you make? How will you live your life?
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Singleminded Faith - June 3, 2007
"Singleminded Faith"
Text: I Kings 18:20-39; James 1:2-8, 22-27; Luke 7:1-10; Romans 7:19
Even when we know what we ought to do...even when we want to do what we ought to do, we often find ourselves doing exactly the opposite. We want to surrender control to God, but we find ourselves often trying to take it back. We leave our burdens at the altar of prayer, only to pick them back up again when we rise. However, when we seek to be in tune with God's Spirit, and allow Him to purify our hearts, we find that are better able to "will one thing," and be singleminded in our devotion to God.
Text: I Kings 18:20-39; James 1:2-8, 22-27; Luke 7:1-10; Romans 7:19
Even when we know what we ought to do...even when we want to do what we ought to do, we often find ourselves doing exactly the opposite. We want to surrender control to God, but we find ourselves often trying to take it back. We leave our burdens at the altar of prayer, only to pick them back up again when we rise. However, when we seek to be in tune with God's Spirit, and allow Him to purify our hearts, we find that are better able to "will one thing," and be singleminded in our devotion to God.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Surrendering Control - May 27, 2007
"Surrendering Control"
Texts: Acts 2:1-21
Learn what rollercoasters, helium balloons, and Pentecost all have in common! Pastor Jon brings a very special Pentecost message, encouraging us to give up control, so that the Holy Spirit can have control.
Texts: Acts 2:1-21
Learn what rollercoasters, helium balloons, and Pentecost all have in common! Pastor Jon brings a very special Pentecost message, encouraging us to give up control, so that the Holy Spirit can have control.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Just Walk Across the Room #4: Grander Vision Living - May 20, 2007
"Just Walk Across the Room #4: Grander Vision Living"
Texts: John 20:30-31; John 21:1-19
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene concludes their four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
. By looking at the end of the Gospel of John, Pastor Jon helps us consider ways that we "go back to life as usual" instead of living according to God's Grander Vision. May we begin each and every day considering how we might partner with God to help find lost people, restore that which is broken, and reclaim that which is His.
Texts: John 20:30-31; John 21:1-19
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene concludes their four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Just Walk Across the Room #3: The Power of Stories - May 13, 2007
"Just Walk Across the Room #3: The Power of Stories"
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene continues their four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
. Pastor Jon talks about the power of story as a universal tool which transcends all cultural, generational and economic lines. Humans are hard-wired to resonate to stories, especially those stories which reflect the Great Story. The task of evangelism is about helping your friend consider how his story might intersect with God's Great Story. One way to do this is to share our own story in clear and concise ways.
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene continues their four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Just Walk Across the Room #2: Living in 3D - May 6, 2007
"Just Walk Across the Room #2: Living in 3D"
Text: Luke 15
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene continues their four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
. Pastor Jon shares some of the reasons why we tend to shy away from evangelism, and then offers some bite-sized chunks of evangelism--steps that we can all take. Living in 3D is about Developing Friendships, Discovering Stories, and Discerning Next Steps.
Text: Luke 15
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene continues their four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
Sunday, April 29, 2007
JWAR #1: The Single Greatest Gift - April 29, 2007
Just Walk Across the Room #1: The Single Greatest Gift
Text: Philippians 2:1-11; John 4:1-42
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene embarks on a four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
. Pastor Jon shares how Jesus walked across the cosmos in order to reach us, and to show us how to reach out of our "Circles of Comfort" and walk into the "Zone of the Unknown." Learn how you can give the Single Greatest Gift, by simply looking for those in need of a touch of grace.
Text: Philippians 2:1-11; John 4:1-42
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene embarks on a four-week Evangelism Training campaign based upon Bill Hybels' book Just Walk Across the Room
Monday, April 23, 2007
Follow Me - April 22, 2007
"Follow Me"
Texts: Acts 9:1-6, (7-20); John 21:1-19
A pulpit exchange brings United Methodist Pastor David Nicol to the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene. Pastor David reminds us that the call to follow Jesus is a call to jump in with both feet, ready to follow Him whereever He leads. While that may even lead us to a cross, we know that Jesus will go with us, all the way. Pastor David is the pastor of the Elm Street (South Portland, ME) and Buxton (ME) United Methodist congregations.
Texts: Acts 9:1-6, (7-20); John 21:1-19
A pulpit exchange brings United Methodist Pastor David Nicol to the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene. Pastor David reminds us that the call to follow Jesus is a call to jump in with both feet, ready to follow Him whereever He leads. While that may even lead us to a cross, we know that Jesus will go with us, all the way. Pastor David is the pastor of the Elm Street (South Portland, ME) and Buxton (ME) United Methodist congregations.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Annual Meeting: For Future Generations - April 15, 2007
"Annual Meeting: For Future Generations"
Text: Psalm 22:25-31
Pastor Jon Twitchell delivers his Annual Pastor's Report to the Cape Elizabeth (Maine, USA) Church of the Nazarene. This is not a standard sermon presentation, but a statement of where we understand God has been working, as well as where we believe He is leading during the next twelve months. We invite you to listen to this report, and to pray for us as we look for ways to be a light "For Future Generations."
Text: Psalm 22:25-31
Pastor Jon Twitchell delivers his Annual Pastor's Report to the Cape Elizabeth (Maine, USA) Church of the Nazarene. This is not a standard sermon presentation, but a statement of where we understand God has been working, as well as where we believe He is leading during the next twelve months. We invite you to listen to this report, and to pray for us as we look for ways to be a light "For Future Generations."
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Easter: What will you do with Jesus? - April 8, 2007
"Easter: What will you do with Jesus?"
Text: John 19:38-20:31
He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
While the twelve disciples all betray, deny, or abandon Jesus, two secret disciples come out of hiding to make public their allegiance to Jesus and His teachings. We can only imagine the guilt, despair, and hopelessness experienced by the disciples during those nights following Jesus' arrest and crucifixion. And yet, despite the fact that they fled Jesus, He came to them with grace and forgiveness. The question remains--what will you do about the Good News of Jesus the Christ? What sort of a disciple will you be?
Text: John 19:38-20:31
He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
While the twelve disciples all betray, deny, or abandon Jesus, two secret disciples come out of hiding to make public their allegiance to Jesus and His teachings. We can only imagine the guilt, despair, and hopelessness experienced by the disciples during those nights following Jesus' arrest and crucifixion. And yet, despite the fact that they fled Jesus, He came to them with grace and forgiveness. The question remains--what will you do about the Good News of Jesus the Christ? What sort of a disciple will you be?
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Palm Sunday: The Wisdom of God - April 1, 2007
"Palm Sunday: The Wisdom of God"
Text: Matthew 21:1-11; I Corinthians 1:18-29; Psalm 20:7; Psalm 118; Matthew 16:26
As we continue our Lenten journey in the Psalms, we turn our attention to Psalm 118, against the backdrop of the Triumphal Entry. We are reminded that God chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and demonstrates His strength through weakness. Instead of putting our trust in all that this world has to offer, may we always "trust in the Name of the Lord our God."
Text: Matthew 21:1-11; I Corinthians 1:18-29; Psalm 20:7; Psalm 118; Matthew 16:26
As we continue our Lenten journey in the Psalms, we turn our attention to Psalm 118, against the backdrop of the Triumphal Entry. We are reminded that God chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and demonstrates His strength through weakness. Instead of putting our trust in all that this world has to offer, may we always "trust in the Name of the Lord our God."
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Out of the Depths - March 25, 2007
"Out of the Depths"
Text: Psalm 130, Hosea 3, Psalm 40:1-3
Last week we looked at the Shepherd Psalm (Psalm 23) as a way of understanding that God goes with us in the deepest, darkest moments human experience. This week's study on Psalm 130 and Psalm 40 helps us understand that God doesn't simply walk with us through those moments, but that He also can lift us out of the pit and set our feet upon the rock!
Text: Psalm 130, Hosea 3, Psalm 40:1-3
Last week we looked at the Shepherd Psalm (Psalm 23) as a way of understanding that God goes with us in the deepest, darkest moments human experience. This week's study on Psalm 130 and Psalm 40 helps us understand that God doesn't simply walk with us through those moments, but that He also can lift us out of the pit and set our feet upon the rock!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Good Shepherd - March 18, 2007
"The Good Shepherd"
Texts: Psalm 23, John 9, John 10, Ephesians 5:8-14
Our fourth Psalm on our Lenten journey, Psalm 23 provides us with hope in the midst of our suffering, for we know the degree to which God walks through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Pastor Jon also provides a dramatic reading of Peter Kreeft's "Shared Hells," (from Bread and Wine, Plough Publishing Company, Farmington, PA, 2003, pp.156-161).
Texts: Psalm 23, John 9, John 10, Ephesians 5:8-14
Our fourth Psalm on our Lenten journey, Psalm 23 provides us with hope in the midst of our suffering, for we know the degree to which God walks through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Pastor Jon also provides a dramatic reading of Peter Kreeft's "Shared Hells," (from Bread and Wine, Plough Publishing Company, Farmington, PA, 2003, pp.156-161).
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Today if You Hear His Voice - March 11, 2007
"Today if You Hear His Voice"
Text: Exodus 17, Psalm 95, John 4
Psalm 95 reminds us of the mumbling and grumbling of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. As we experience this Psalm, we are encouraged to be exuberant in our praise of God, to soften our hearts, to listen to God, and to drink from the living water that Jesus offers. To read the sermon illustration about Duke, visit
Text: Exodus 17, Psalm 95, John 4
Psalm 95 reminds us of the mumbling and grumbling of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. As we experience this Psalm, we are encouraged to be exuberant in our praise of God, to soften our hearts, to listen to God, and to drink from the living water that Jesus offers. To read the sermon illustration about Duke, visit
Sunday, March 04, 2007
His Eye is on the Sparrow - March 4, 2007
"His Eye is on the Sparrow"
Texts: Romans 4:1-17; Luke 12:6-7; I Kings 18:16-45; Psalm 121
Just as winter gives way to spring, God breaks in upon our sorrow and sadness with joy, darkness gives way to light, and death submits to life. Psalm 121 reminds us that God is watching over us and cares for our loved ones. He cares about sparrows, He cares about cedar waxwings, and He cares about you.
Texts: Romans 4:1-17; Luke 12:6-7; I Kings 18:16-45; Psalm 121
Just as winter gives way to spring, God breaks in upon our sorrow and sadness with joy, darkness gives way to light, and death submits to life. Psalm 121 reminds us that God is watching over us and cares for our loved ones. He cares about sparrows, He cares about cedar waxwings, and He cares about you.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where Do You Hide? - February 25, 2007
"Where Do You Hide?"
Text: Psalm 32
Humans have been good at hiding since the beginning of time. Like Adam and Eve, King David, and the prophet Jonah, we tend to hide from our problems and from those we have wronged. David offers us the solution to our guilt in Psalm 32, by suggesting that when we feel the need to hide, we are to run toward God, and find our hiding place in Him.
Text: Psalm 32
Humans have been good at hiding since the beginning of time. Like Adam and Eve, King David, and the prophet Jonah, we tend to hide from our problems and from those we have wronged. David offers us the solution to our guilt in Psalm 32, by suggesting that when we feel the need to hide, we are to run toward God, and find our hiding place in Him.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Laodicea: Stop Kidding Yourself - February 18, 2007
"Laodicea: Stop Kidding Yourself"
Text: Revelation 3:14-22
After summarizing the lessons from the past six weeks, Pastor Jon concludes our study on the letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation with a look at the letter to the church in Laodicea. By properly understanding the drinking water situation in Laodicea, and by looking that the things that this church was well known for, we realize that this passage is an exhortation to be sure that we have not deceived ourselves (Like the emperor in Hans Christian Anderson's classic children's story). Pastor Jon concludes this message with an invitation that everyone needs to hear.
Text: Revelation 3:14-22
After summarizing the lessons from the past six weeks, Pastor Jon concludes our study on the letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation with a look at the letter to the church in Laodicea. By properly understanding the drinking water situation in Laodicea, and by looking that the things that this church was well known for, we realize that this passage is an exhortation to be sure that we have not deceived ourselves (Like the emperor in Hans Christian Anderson's classic children's story). Pastor Jon concludes this message with an invitation that everyone needs to hear.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Philadelphia: Through Open Doors - February 11, 2007
"Philadelphia: Through Open Doors"
Text: Revelation 3:7-13
Pastor Jon continues our study on the letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation with a look at the letter to the believers in Philadelphia. While Jesus knows that they are a church with "little strength," He places an open door in front of them that nobody can shut. As we explore the options for what was meant by the "open door," may we be always look for the open doors that God has placed before us and faithfully walk through them.
Text: Revelation 3:7-13
Pastor Jon continues our study on the letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation with a look at the letter to the believers in Philadelphia. While Jesus knows that they are a church with "little strength," He places an open door in front of them that nobody can shut. As we explore the options for what was meant by the "open door," may we be always look for the open doors that God has placed before us and faithfully walk through them.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Sardis: The Importance of Keeping Watch - February 4, 2007
"Sardis: The Importance of Keeping Watch"
Text: Revelation 3:1-6
Pastor Ken Wish looks at the historical backdrop of the city of Sardis to shed some light on the call of Christ for them to awake from their lethargy. The modern-day healthy church must remain alert and focus on their purpose of rescuing the lost.
Text: Revelation 3:1-6
Pastor Ken Wish looks at the historical backdrop of the city of Sardis to shed some light on the call of Christ for them to awake from their lethargy. The modern-day healthy church must remain alert and focus on their purpose of rescuing the lost.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Thyatira: When Salt Loses Its Saltiness- January 28, 2007
"Thyatira: When Salt Loses Its Saltiness"
Texts: Revelation 2:18-29
Pastor Ken Wish helps the modern-day church negotiate the waters of tolerance and plurality that are so prevalent in our culture today. Jesus reminds the believers in Thyatira to hold fast to the truth, not compromising their faith in the face of teachings of tolerance and plurality. Join us as we continue our study of the Churches of Revelation.
Texts: Revelation 2:18-29
Pastor Ken Wish helps the modern-day church negotiate the waters of tolerance and plurality that are so prevalent in our culture today. Jesus reminds the believers in Thyatira to hold fast to the truth, not compromising their faith in the face of teachings of tolerance and plurality. Join us as we continue our study of the Churches of Revelation.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Pergamum: Accept No Counterfeits - January 21, 2007
"Pergamum: Accept No Counterfeits"
Texts: Revelation 2:12-17, I Corinthians 13, Numbers 22-25:3 & 31:16, Hebrews 4:12-13
Pastor Jon Twitchell continues our journey through the Seven Churches of Revelation with a look at the cultural and religious practices in Pergamum. By looking at the cults of Demeter, Dionysus, and Aesculapius, we can better understand the cryptic imagery that Jesus uses in the letter He asks John to write. In the midst of all that is false and counterfeit, we must remain true to the living God!
Texts: Revelation 2:12-17, I Corinthians 13, Numbers 22-25:3 & 31:16, Hebrews 4:12-13
Pastor Jon Twitchell continues our journey through the Seven Churches of Revelation with a look at the cultural and religious practices in Pergamum. By looking at the cults of Demeter, Dionysus, and Aesculapius, we can better understand the cryptic imagery that Jesus uses in the letter He asks John to write. In the midst of all that is false and counterfeit, we must remain true to the living God!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Smyrna: Hold Fast to Your Faith - January 14, 2007
"Smyrna: Hold Fast to Your Faith"
Texts: Revelation 2:8-11
Pastor Ken Wish continues this seven week series on church health based on the letters to the seven churches of Revelation. By looking at the letter to the believers in Smyrna we find encouragement to hold fast despite persecution or tribulation.
Texts: Revelation 2:8-11
Pastor Ken Wish continues this seven week series on church health based on the letters to the seven churches of Revelation. By looking at the letter to the believers in Smyrna we find encouragement to hold fast despite persecution or tribulation.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Ephesus: Remember Your First Love - January 7, 2007
"Ephesus: Remember Your First Love"
Texts: Revelation 1; Revelation 2:1-7
Pastor Jon begins a seven week series on church health based on the letters to the seven churches of Revelation. During this first week of the series, he looks at the letter to the believers in Ephesus and explores what it may have meant that they had "forsaken their first love." As we consider those lessons, may we pursue God with all of our hearts, may we greatly love our neighbors, and may we do all we can to bring those two great loves together.
You may email Pastor Jon at
Texts: Revelation 1; Revelation 2:1-7
Pastor Jon begins a seven week series on church health based on the letters to the seven churches of Revelation. During this first week of the series, he looks at the letter to the believers in Ephesus and explores what it may have meant that they had "forsaken their first love." As we consider those lessons, may we pursue God with all of our hearts, may we greatly love our neighbors, and may we do all we can to bring those two great loves together.
You may email Pastor Jon at
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