Sunday, January 29, 2006

One With Authority - January 29, 2006

One With Authority

Text: Mark 1:21-28

What does it mean to say that Jesus "taught as One with Authority"? In our pluralistic culture, the role of authorityhas been diminished--instead of trusting those in positions of influence, we are tempted to only trust ourselves. At the same time, we long for a culture which shares a common moral authority where "right" is always "right" and "north" is always "north." Our best self-improvements leave us with a sense of emptiness and failure, and so we must reorient our compass to follow the "One with Authority."

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Follow How Far - January 22, 2006

Follow How Far?

Text: Psalm 62: 5-8; Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:17-23; Mark 1:14-20

At the heart of the message of Christianity is the doctrine that we can have a personal relationship with God Almighty. And yet, it's important for us to remember that we are on a Great Adventure with a Great Commander! As we hear the Gospel lesson about the calling of the disciples we are challenged to consider how far we are willing to follow our Leader.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Wardrobe - January 1, 2006

A New Wardrobe

Text: Revelation 21:1-6a, Isaiah 43

TLC's "What Not to Wear" provides the backdrop for this New Year's sermon about our God who is making all things new. As we prepare to throw away our old wardrobe, we know that God is always doing a new thing and desires to clothe us with His robes. What "New Thing" does God want for you this year?