Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter: Jesus Calls You by Name - April 24, 2011

"Easter: Jesus Calls You by Name"
Text: John 20:1-18
On this Easter Sunday, Pastor Jon talks about the importance of our names... and how God knows us and calls us by name. It was when Jesus called Mary's name in the garden that she recognized him. How will you respond when he calls you by name?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Palm Sunday: Ride on to Die - April 17, 2011

"Palm Sunday: Ride on to Die"
Text: Matthew 21:1-11 and Psalm 24
After setting the stage for the Triumphal Entry, Pastor Jon stops to explore what Matthew might have meant when he said, "the city asked 'who is this?'" One possibility is that Matthew was offering a liturgical comment, identifying that the priests may have been reciting Psalm 24 as Jesus entered the city. What does it mean for us to hear, "Lift up your heads, o ye gates, that the King of Glory may come in"?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life Transformations 4: The Resurrection and the Life - April 10, 2011

"Life Transformations 4: The Resurrection and the Life"
Text: John 11:1-45
As we conclude our mini-series on Life Transformations, Pastor Jon looks at the graveclothes of Lazarus as a metaphor for the things in this world that keep us captive--whether destructive forces and addictions... or the good things that keep us from the best things that God has for us. Just as Lazarus finds freedom through the voice of Jesus and the community around him, we find freedom through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and our local communities of faith.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Life Transformations 3: Invisible People - April 3, 2011

"Life Transformations 3: Invisible People"
Text: John 9
In this passage, Jesus sees a man who has been mostly invisible his entire life. Failed by the people who ought to know him best, this man responds to God's transforming grace--finding not only physical sight, but the salvation that is found in Christ. His firm and bold witness inspires us to tell our story in simple yet concrete ways.

Life Transformations 2: Living Water - March 27, 2011

"Life Transformations 2: Living Water"
Text: John 4:1-42
Jesus breaks all societal norms when his afternoon is seemingly interrupted by an encounter with a woman at the well. What divine appointments might God bring your way this week? How can offer living water to the people on the fringes?