Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Reality of Present Risenness - April 30, 2006

The Reality of Present Risenness

Text: I John 3:1-8

What difference does Easter really make? Does the reality of the resurrection affect the way in which we live our lives? Easter is not simply an historical event, but has very real ramifications for our lives today. Not only did Jesus walk from an empty tomb, but He is alive and active today. we must be continually aware of what Brennan Manning calls "Present Risenness."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Special - Welcome to the Podcast - April 23, 2006

Special - Welcome to the Podcast

A special message from Pastor Jon Twitchell directly to listeners of our sermon podcast. We're very glad that you're listening, and we'd love to hear from you. You can email Pastor Jon at

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter - Rejoice! The Song is Alive! - April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday - Rejoice! The Song is Alive

Texts: Isaiah 53:6; Acts 3:15; Luke 7:18-23; Luke 15:1-7; John 9; John 11:1-44

As the continuation of the message begun on Good Friday, we can rejoice today for the Song is alive. For even though we killed the Author of Life, God is more powerful than darkness, life is stronger than death, God's song is stronger than the silence. The lost are found, the blind see, the dead live again. What shall our response be to this proclamation of the Gospel? What song shall we now sing? To whom shall we sing our song? Let us echo the words of Casting Crowns--indeed, "let my lifesong sing to You!"

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good Friday - Killing the Song - April 14, 2006

Good Friday - Killing the Song

Texts: John 1; John 18-19; Philippians 2:1-8; Acts 3

The creation of Narnia from Lewis's "The Magician's Nephew" formed the backdrop for an evening of dramatic readings which culminated in this message about killing the author of life. For three horrible days, the Light of the World was snuffed out, the author of the song had been silenced. Instead of singing the song of the Creator, we chose instead to sing our own song. Let us never forget that it was as though our sins and disobedience nailed Him to that tree.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Quest - It's Not About You - April 9, 2006

The Quest - The Life You've Longed For: It's Not About You

Download Sermon Notes for "The Quest - The Live You've Longed For: It's Not About You"

Texts: Mark 1:14-20; I Corinthians 1:20-31

Jesus took ordinary people and asked them to do extraordinary tasks. On this quest, we learn that our participation in the Kingdom of God isn't really about us--it's about Him. Will you choose to follow Him with all of your heart, regardless of the cost? Henri Nouwen says, "There is no middle ground here. Jesus went to Jerusalem to put people in a situation where they had to say yes or no."

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Quest - Christlike Character - April 2, 2006

The Quest - Christlike Character

Download Sermon Notes for "The Quest - Christlike Character"

Texts: Romans 12:1-2

God desires to form Christlike character within us. If we are a broken pot, it is not simply enough for Him to rescue the pieces of the pot from being thrown out--instead, He loves us so much that He desires to pick up the pieces, put them back together again, clean the inside of the pot, fill it up with His Spirit, for the purpose of restoring the Image of God within us. We are called to be transformed--allowing the Character of Christ to shine through us.