Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Quest - How Do I Live the Life I've Longed For? - February 26, 2006

The Quest - How Do I Live the Life I've Longed For?

"Download Sermon Notes for The Quest - How Do I Live the Life I've Longed For?"

Text: II Kings 2:1-12; John 14:1-6, 15-18

Have you ever had a task for which you need outside assistance? Jesus left his disciples with two great tasks--the Great Commandments and the Great Commission. While the tasks seem impossible for us to complete on our own, Jesus left us with Great Promises of outside help--the Holy Spirit. This sermon begins our study through "The Quest," based on Frank Moore's book The Power to be Free.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Following Instructions - February 19, 2006

Following Instructions

Text: II Kings 5:1-17

The story of Naaman's leprosy reminds us of the importance of following the instructions that God gives us, regardless of how simple or foolish they may appear. Instead of following the instructions that are given to us, we often are tempted to try to figure things on our own. When we are broken, it is necessary to consult the instructions, to learn how God might provide us with healing. It is precisely God's grace alone which heal us, not only our bodies, but our spirits as well. It is our faith and obedience which opens us to God's healing power to be at work in our lives.