Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Resemblances (#4): Love - December 23, 2012

Family Resemblances (#4): "Love"
Text: I Corinthians 13
And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love.  But the greatest of these is Love. - I Cor 13:13.  Pastor Jon concludes our Advent Series with a look at what it means to be shaped by Godly Love. Paul tells us that nothing else that we do will last, and even the good things that we do are fruitless if not for Love.  How will they know you are a Christian?  What token will you give?  What sign will you show?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Family Resemblances (#3): Joy - December 16, 2012

Family Resemblances (#3): Joy
Text: Psalm 126, Luke 3:7-18, Philippians 4:4-13
Exploring the tension between Advent Hope and our present circustances, Pastor Jon identifies the need for Joy and Contentment.  Even as we know it's acceptable to "sow in tears," we rejoice that Christ identified with those tears, that the Light of the World came down into darkness, and that He walks with us even through the valley.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Family Resemblances (#2): Peace - December 9, 2012

Family Resemblances (#2): "Peace"
Text: Matthew 5:38-48; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
During this second week of Advent, Pastor Jon explores what it means to reflect the life of the Prince of Peace.  Jesus not only came to bring a message of peace on earth, but came in a manner consistent with that message. What does it mean for you to be an ambassador of God's Peace this Christmas season?

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Family Resemblances (#1): Hope - December 2, 2012

Family Resemblances (#1): Hope
Text: Zechariah 9:9-12
This Advent, Pastor Jon looks at some of the "Family Resemblances" that ought to be found in the family of Christ-followers.  We begin our series with a look at what it means to be a "prisoner of hope."  Christ-followers ought not be characterized by hand-wringing and head-shaking, but with a calm assurance that Christ is bringing about His Kingdom in all of its fullness.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christ the King: Consider the Cost - November 25, 2012

"Christ the King: Consider the Cost"
Text: Luke 14:25-35
Christ the King Sunday is an annual reminder that Christ is to be lord of our lives throughout the year.  Pastor Jon looks at some of the hard teachings of Jesus as he journeys toward Jerusalem and the cross.  Have you considered the cost of discipleship?  The invitation is given to all, but the costs of being a subject in the Kingdom are great.

Monday, November 19, 2012

All for What? - November 18, 2012

All for What?
Text: Mark 13:1-8
In the second of this two-part message on Mark 12:38 - 13:8, Pastor Jon further explores what it must have meant for the widow to tragically give her two last coins for a failed system that was condemned for destruction.  We are reminded to make sure that we give of ourselves to the things that will last--the things of the Kingdom of God.  While buildings and programs may be useful tools to build the kingdom, they are only a means to an end.  The kingdoms of this world will pass away, and all that will remain is the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Giving All - November 11, 2012

Giving All Mark 12:38-44
Placing this passage in its broader context helps us to understand that the primary message wasn't about the widow's sacrificial giving, but about the exploitation by the Pharisees.  Pastor Jon takes a closer look at this passage, suggesting that churches and religious institutions have used these verses in precisely the ways that Jesus is condemning.  "Giving All" is about more than just money.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

E100 #21: Where They Need No Sun - October 28, 2012

E100 #21: "Where They Need No Sun"
Text: Revelation 21-22
At the conclusion of our five-month journey through E100, Pastor Jon considers the themes of light and darkness.  Sometimes we need to turn to the end of the Story to be reminded of its grand and glorious conclusion!  And in the in-between-time, we are reminded that we are the light of the world.

Monday, October 22, 2012

E100 #20: FaithDeeds - October 21, 2012

E100 #20: "FaithDeeds - October 21, 2012"
Text: James 2:14-26
During our Faith Promise for Missions Convention, Pastor Jon takes a closer look at this passage from the book of James.  Our actions, our words, our deeds, and even our financial decisions are a reflection of our faith in Christ, and the ways in which we have been transformed by the character and nature of the heart of God.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

E100 #19: Rightly Dividing the Word - October 14, 2012

E100 #19: "Rightly Dividing the Word"
Text: 2 Timothy 2:15
The apostle Paul's encouraging letters to Timothy, a young church leader in Ephesus, have instructed local pastors for centuries; however, the advice to Timothy contains a wealth of information for Jesus' followers who desire to share God's good news.  Those who are chosen to lead our churches are not the only ones who minister in our communities.  When we believe in the universal love of God we can become the shadow of Jesus on the dusty roads of our villages.

E100 #18: The Fruit of the Spirit - October 7, 2012

E100 #18: "The Fruit of the Spirit"
Text: Galatians 5:16-26
In light of the multiple directives in scripture to "produce fruit," Pastor Jon looks at this familiar passage from Galatians.  Paul instructs us, not to keep score and a list of dos and don'ts, but to live by the Spirit and keep in step with the Spirit.  If we are rooted in God's Word, drinking deeply from the Living Water, and abiding in Christ, then we can be confident that the Spirit will produce fruit within us.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

E100 #17: Running on Fumes - September 30, 2012

E100 #17: "Running on Fumes"
Text: Acts 9:1-19
The story of Paul is exhausting!  We struggle to keep up with the passion and determination of this Apostle.  And yet, we recognize that Paul did not accomplish all of that by his own strength and ability, but because of a constant reliance upon the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

E100 #16: Homecoming - Koinonia - September 23, 2012

E100 #16: "Homecoming - Koinonia"
Text: Acts 2:42-47
On this Homecoming Sunday and 45th Anniversary Celebration, Pastor Jon helps us to consider how the local church should be shaped in the Image of the Triune God.  Since the early church, communities of Christians have been defined by Koinonia - Communion by Intimate Participation.  We conclude our service by welcoming 6 new members to our congregation.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

E100 #15: You Are What You Eat - September 16, 2012

E100 #15: "You Are What You Eat"
Text: Luke 22:7-34
Our text today highlights the dichotomy between the Kingdom Narrative and the narratives of this world.  While the disciples are attracted to money, power and greatness; Jesus demonstrates a Kingdom built on poverty, brokenness and servanthood.  As we gather around the Table, we are formed and shaped by the grace that we find there.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

E100 #14: Miracles 101: Ephphatha - September 9, 2012

E100 #14: "Miracles 101: Ephphatha"
Text: Mark 7:32-37
The miracles of Jesus are examples of God's spiritual intervention in our lives. Although we may not hear or see what happened, we are still changed. Pastor Gloria highlights Gospel stories of individuals whose response to unexpected release demonstrated their belief about the Source of their miraculous provision.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

E100 #13: Who Is My Neighbor? - September 2, 2012

E100 #13: "Who Is My Neighbor?" Text: Luke 10:25-37
The Good Samaritan gives us a concrete example of how we ought to reflect the character and nature of God.  After looking at a couple of lessons from the parable itself, Pastor Jon takes a closer look at the context of the parable, suggesting that the Bible often calls us to specific behaviors, regardless of the behavior of others.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

E100 #12: Stepping Down into Darkness - August 26, 2012

E100 #12: "Stepping Down into Darkness"
Text: John 1:1-18
By celebrating Christmas in August, we hope to get a fresh reading of the Christmas texts, hearing again what it meant for Jesus to empty Himself and step down into our darkness.  The Incarnation provides us with a model of how we ought to live, walking through dark valleys, moving into the neighborhood, and embodying the Kingdom of God to all we meet.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

E100 #11: Broken Cisterns - August 19, 2012

E100 #11: "Broken Cisterns"
Text: Jeremiah 2:1-12; 31:31-34
After providing an overview of Jeremiah's life, Pastor Jon explores the words of Jeremiah, which reveal to us the character and nature of the heart of God.  God continues to remember His people, even though they have forgotten Him and traded the Glory of the Living God for gods made of wood and stone.  Instead of drinking deeply at the springs of living water, they have built broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

E100 #10: Mindful of our Frame

E100 #10: "Mindful of our Frame"
Text: Psalm 103
Bonhoeffer reminds us that there is no forgiveness without repentance.  This morning a closer look at Psalm 103 reminds us that God is a god of both justice and mercy, and that confession is telling God the truth that He already knows.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

E100 #9: When the Brook Dries Up - July 29, 2012

E100 #9: "When the Brook Dries Up"
Text: I Kings 17:1-16
Alluding to the business parable, "Who Moved My Cheese?" Pastor Jon takes a look at how we deal with change in our lives.  When everything seems to be going smootly, we find it easy to trust God. But when the brook dries up, we are tempted to be angry, or live in denial, or be paralyzed by fear.  Instead, like Elijah, we must listen to the voice of God and trust that He can redeem the situation.

Monday, July 23, 2012

E100 #8: Be Not Conformed - July 22, 2012

E100 #8: "Be Not Conformed"
Text: I Samuel 8:1-20
As we continue our journey through scripture, we consider what it means for the Israelites to have wanted to "be like other nations," and to have a king.  As we consider the implications for us today, we recognize that not only are we tempted to be like the world around us, but that our churches are tempted to try to imitate other churches, and we are often tempted to try to be like other Christians.  Instead, God calls us to fulfill our unique and special role within the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

E100 #7: Our Kinsman Redeemer - July 15, 2012

E100 #7: "Our Kinsman Redeemer"
Text: Ruth 1-4
Pastor Jon offers a brief devotional on the book of Ruth, highlighting that we care for widows, orphans and outsiders because we are all widows, orphans and outsiders.  It is only because of our Kinsman Redeemer that we can consider ourselves part of the Family of God.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

E100 #6: Consecrate Yourselves - July 8, 2012

E100 #6 - "Consecrate Yourselves"
Text: Joshua 3:1-13
By exploring several texts, Pastor Jon considers the themes of preparation and consecration.  We considered the possiblity that we may not see God's hand at work because we are not properly prepared to encounter an Almighty and Holy God.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

E100 #5: God Remembers - July 1, 2012

E100 #5: "God Remembers"
Text: Exodus 3
As we explore the narrative of the Exodus, we are encouraged with the reminder that God remembers His children, even though they appear to have forgotten Him.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

E100 #4: Higher Ways - June 24, 2012

E100 #4: "Higher Ways"
Text: Genesis 45:3-8; 50:15-21
The story of Joseph reminds us that God will keep his promise to his people, and that He watches over those of integrity and faithfulness.  At the same time, we're reminded that our current situations may not make much sense until we can look back and see God's hand at work.  After all, God's ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

E100 #3: Promises, Promises - June 17, 2012

E100 #3: "Promises, Promises"
Text: Genesis 22:1-19
Abraham gives us an example of someone who was willing to trust that God would keep His promises.  Despite Abraham's spotty history at keeping the covenant, we recognize that he was willing to offer Isaac back as the firstfruits of the promise.  The principle of firstfruits is a reminder that God is the rightful owner of all that we are and claim to possess.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

E100 #2: Living Stones - June 10, 2012

E100 #2: "Living Stones"
Text: Genesis 11:1-9
As we begin our journey through the Grand Narrative of Scripture, we explore what it means to be created in the Image of God, and how humanity has continued to live out a tarnished reflection of that Image. This week, Pastor Jon looks at the Tower of Babel, exploring the nature of the particular sin which led to the building of the tower. Instead of building a tower to our own glory, we are exhorted by the words of the Westminster Shorter Catechism - that "the chief end of man is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever."

Sunday, June 03, 2012

E100 #1: A Peculiar Story: The Story that Shapes Us - June 3, 2012

E100 #1: "A Peculiar Story: The Story that Shapes Us"
Text: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Join us on the E100 Challenge, as we journey through 100 Essential Bible Lessons this summer.  Today, Pastor Jon introduces the series, and shares about the ways that the people of God are shaped by the Story of God.  We explore what it means to read the Bible formationally instead of informationally.  Learn more about our journey through E100 at

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Peculiar Companion - May 27, 2012

"A Peculiar Companion"
Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14
On Pentecost, we are reminded that Christ came not only so we could have eternal life, but that we could have abundant life in the here and now. Pastor Jon takes a look at Ezekiel's vision of the Valley of Dry Bones, and reminds us that God desires to breathe His Spirit into our lives, even though we may feel cut off and dried up.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Peculiar Commission - May 20, 2012

"A Peculiar Commission"
Text: Acts 1:1-11
The last words of Jesus to the disciples were a commission to be witnesses to the whole world.  That commission has been handed down from disciple to disciple to disciple, until it has reached you.  What sort of a witness are you?  Who is depending on you to be the next link in the chain so they can come to know Christ?

A Peculiar Condition - May 13, 2012

"A Peculiar Condition"
Text: John 17:6-19
In the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus, recorded in John 17, we discover that Jesus not only prays for the disciples, but he prays for us as well! In this prayer, we also learn of our peculiar condition--to be in the world but not of it. As subjects in the Kingdom of God, we must be careful of the "Caesars" that would demand our allegiance, and instead make sure that our identity is found in Christ alone.

A Peculiar Commandment - May 6, 2012

"A Peculiar Commandment"
Text: John 15:9-17
Pastor Jon continues to unpack what it means to be "A Peculiar People" by looking at some of Jesus' teachings.  This week we explore the "New Commandment" that Jesus gives the disciples on the night he was betrayed.  As we discover what it means to "love as Jesus loved," we learn that this is a very specific commandment, calling us to be shaped by the cross of Christ.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Peculiar Connection - April 29, 2012

"A Peculiar Connection"
Text: John 15:1-8
Jesus teaches that if we are connected to the vine, we will bear fruit. Pastor Jon explores this peculiar connection, highlighting some of the lessons we can learn from the grapevine, and what it means to talk about "Abiding in Christ."

A Peculiar Commitment - April 22, 2012

"A Peculiar Commitment"
Text: John 10:1-18
As we understand what it means to follow the Good Shepherd, we are challenged by the knowledge that He has a peculiar commitment to the sheep... and calls us to have a peculiar commitment to Him and to each other.

Annual Meeting: A Peculiar People - April 15, 2012

"Annual Meeting: A Peculiar People"
Text: I Peter 2:4-12
At our Annual Meeting we give thanks to God for the year we have completed and we look forward into the future, anticipating what He might choose to do in and through us. Join us as we celebrate the God who is making "All Things New," and hear the ways in which the people of the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene are "A Peculiar People."

Easter: The Great Reversal - April 8, 2012

"Easter: The Great Reversal" Text: Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
On this Easter Sunday, Pastor Jon suggests that the truth of the matter is revealed to us on Good Friday…. all of creation is hushed on Black Saturday, holding its collective breath… and on Resurrection morning, Jesus breathes out this word: BUT.  And the Great Reversal begins. Sins are forgiven. Addictions are broken.  Marriages are restored. Hope is renewed.  Purpose is discovered.  And death itself begins to work backward.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Lent (#6): Not a Fan - April 1, 2012

Lent (#6): "Not a Fan"
Text: Mark 1:1-11
On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Jon reminds us that Jesus doesn’t call us to be fans.  He calls us to be followers.  He calls us to be disciples.  He calls us to make an unwavering commitment to follow Him wherever He goes… even to the cross.

Lent (#5): Confession is Good for the Soul - March 25, 2012

Lent (#5): "Confession is Good for the Soul"
Text: Psalm 51
Confession is good for the soul.  Confession allows us to remove our masks… and to be open and honest before God and before each other.  Confession reminds us of the “Good News of Repentance,” that there is hope for a better way.

Lent (#4): "Thou Shalt Not Whine" - March 18, 2012

Lent (#4): "Thou Shalt Not Whine"
Text: Psalm 107
Throughout the Old Testament wilderness narrative, we discover a community which grumbles, complains, and whines about their situation.  In contrast, when we read the narrative of Jesus in the wilderness, we discover faithfulness and contentment.  In the New Covenant Community, we ought to find Christ-followers who continually adopt the posture of praise and thanksgiving.

Lent (#3): Sweeter Than Honey - March 11, 2012

Lent (#3): "Sweeter Than Honey"
Text: Psalm 19
C. S. Lewis calls this psalm, “the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.”  As we look at the Psalm, we consider that the primary reason God's Word is "sweeter than honey" is because it reveals the nature and character of God.  In essence, it is through the Written Word that we come to know the Living Word.

Lent (#2): Praising in the Desert - March 4, 2012

Lent (#2): "Praising in the Desert"
Text: Psalm 22
Possibly one of the most "schizophrenic" psalms in all of scripture, Psalm 22 reminds us that even in the midst of great suffering we are to praise God.  David.  Esther.  Jesus.  Each one an example of someone who might feel abandoned by God, and yet gives praise to God in advance of the deliverance they are certain they will receive.

Lent (#1): Where God Isn't - February 26, 2012

Lent (#1): "Where God Isn't"
Text: Psalm 139
If there are places on earth that seem particularly close to the heavens, then it is only reasonable to suggest that there may be places which seem particularly distant.  And yet, as the Psalmist is quick to point out, even if we make our bed in the depths... God is present.

Monday, April 23, 2012

On the Mountain - February 19, 2012

"On the Mountain"
Text: Mark 2:2-9
On this Transfiguration Sunday, we explore the idea of "thin places" on earth, where the realm of the Divine seems to intersect with the mundane in an extraordinary way.  Unlike Peter, we must ignore the temptation to package up the experience, controlling and marketing it to others... but that when we find Jesus, we find transformation.

The Great Equalizer - February 12, 2012

"The Great Equalizer"
Text: Mark 1:40-45
Pastor Jon explores a couple of texts related to leprosy.  We are reminded that God has the power to cleanse lepers... and to forgive us of our sins.  The great equalizer is neither leprosy nor cancer, but the sin that so easy entangles us.

The Good News of Repentance - January 22, 2012

"The Good News of Repentance"
Text: Mark 1:14-40
Repent.  It’s an important word in Christianity… but it’s a word that carries an awful lot of baggage… both inside and outside the Church.  Pastor Jon attempts to get through the some of baggage, exploring how we might see the call to repentance as a call full of hope and optimism.

Seeking the God who Sees - January 15, 2012

"Seeking the God who Sees"
Text: John 1:43-51
Hagar.  Samuel.  Nathaniel.  We are reminded that we are seeking the God who sees--the God who sought us before we knew enough to seek after Him.  The God who saw Hagar by the spring in the desert is the same God who called out to Samuel in the middle of the night, and the same God who saw Nathaniel under the tree.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Years: What are you Waiting For? - January 1, 2012

"New Years: What are you Waiting For?"
Text: Luke 2:22-38
Pastor Jon concludes our Advent and Christmas series with a look at the accounts of Anna and Simeon. After considering their patient faithfulness, we are invited to consider the ways in which others have demonstrated those qualities to us, and the ways we can be a Simeon or an Anna to the children in our lives. What are you waiting for?

Advent (#4): The Promise Draws Near - December 18, 2011

"Advent (#4): The Promise Draws Near"
Text: Luke 1:5-25, 57-79
Imagine… if you could only speak one sentence, once a year!  Talk about choosing your words wisely!? How would you choose what to say, if you could only speak one sentence, once a year?  How would you economize your words?  What priorities would drive your communication?  What would you say?  And what would you choose to leave unsaid?

Advent (#3): Fixing our Eyes - December 11, 2011

"Advent (#3): Fixing our Eyes - December 11, 2011"
Text: Hebrews 11:1-2, 32-40; 12:1-3
It seems that the great stories in the Bible are the ones where God intervenes—where new life is brought forth out of barrenness... where the blind see... the deaf hear... the mute shout... and the lame leap for joy. But what happens when the miracle doesn’t come? What happens when the blind remain blind?  Or the deaf stay deaf... or the mute are forever unable to speak?  What happens when you pray and wait… and wait and pray... and God doesn’t seem to answer your prayer?

Advent (#2): In the Meantime - December 4, 2011

"Advent (#2): In the Meantime - December 4, 2011"
Text:  Genesis 29-30
As we look at the story of Jacob being tricked by his uncle, we learn about waiting.  One of our Advent lessons today is that we wait like Jacob waited… we live out our lives—working for the Kingdom of God... because of our love for God.  In our case, of course, we’re not trying to earn anything—instead, our labors for the Master are in response to what He has already and graciously done for us.  And as we fill our waiting with our working, we find that it seems like only a few days because of our love for God.

Advent (#1): Waiting for the Promise - November 27, 2011

"Advent (#1): Waiting for the Promise"
Text: Genesis 11-21
This Advent season, Pastor Jon tells stories about people who had to wait.  As we hear these stories, we identify with them, because each of us is waiting for God to break in upon our circumstances, to heal our brokenness, and to fully redeem our lives. We look forward to Him bringing light into our darkness, and life into our barrenness.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Paul (#16): Finishing the Race - November 20, 2011

"Paul (#16): Finishing the Race"
Text: Acts 27-28
Pastor Jon concludes our 16-week study on Paul's life by looking at his final journey to Rome.  Even though Luke doesn't give us the details of the end of Paul's life, we can infer that he finished well.  Preaching and writing while in prison, Paul made the most of each moment.

Paul (#15): Appealing to a Higher Court - November 13, 2011

"Paul (#15): Appealing to a Higher Court"
Text: Acts 22:22-26:32
In broad strokes, Pastor Jon retells some of the stories related to Paul's arrests, trials, and imprisonments.  Even as Paul continues to appeal to Caesar, we recognize that ultimately we appeal, not to the courts of men, but to an even Higher Authority.

Paul (#14): Thy Will Be Done - November 6, 2011

"Paul (#14): Thy Will Be Done - November 6, 2011"
Text: Acts 21-22
In looking at this chapter of Paul's life, Pastor Jon suggests that sin is when you put yourself in the place of God as Savior, Lord, and Judge.  Even as Paul set his direction toward Jerusalem, some Godly people were attempting to convince him otherwise.  And yet, Paul's choices echo the words of Jesus' prayer: "Thy will be done."

Paul (#13): Famous Last Words - October 23, 2011

"Paul (#13): Famous Last Words" Text: Acts 20:13-38
In this farewell speech to the Ephesian elders, we recognize the same urgency that was driving Paul as he preached through the night in Troas.  As we read the sermon, we get a glimpse into Paul’s heart, and discover the qualities of humility, integrity, and faithfulness.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Paul (#12): Disrupting our Economies and Allegiances - October 16, 2011

"Paul (#12): Disrupting our Economies and Allegiances"
Text: Acts 19
Today, we continue our journey through the book of Acts, as Paul visits Ephesus.  And we’ll find some people who got so riled up by the Gospel that they stood in the city square and shouted for 2 hours straight.  North American Christians are reminded to reevaluate the items in our lives that give us security—whether it be our jobs, our health, our national security and safety, or even our families.  For ultimately, none of those things begin to compare with the security offered through a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Paul (#11): Partnering in the Gospel - October 2, 2011

"Paul (#11): Partnering in the Gospel"
Text: Acts 18:1-28
The Kingdom of God really is a partnership… a team event.  It’s not just about Paul being a "Lone Ranger," but about Paul playing his part on God’s team.  And in this case, God tells Paul that His team is even bigger than Paul can see.  And that Paul doesn’t need to be afraid, because he’s on God’s team!

Paul (#10): Greatly Distressed - September 25, 2011

"Paul (#10): Greatly Distressed"
Text: Acts 17:16-34
The phrase "greatly distressed" is used quite a few times in scripture--often indicating a distress at sin, idolatry, or a situation that seemed beyond hope.  And yet, sometimes we get "greatly distressed" about things that probably shouldn't receive that much of our attention.  Even as Paul is "greatly distressed" at the idols on Mars Hills, we ought to be "greatly distressed" about sin in our own lives and brokenness in the world around us.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Homecoming: Zebedee's Fishing Company - September 18, 2011

"Homecoming: Zebedee's Fishing Company"
Text: Matthew 4:12-25
Former Pastor Jeff Barker offers this Homecoming message about "Zebedee's Fishing Company."  Instead of following the call of James and John, Pastor Jeff explores what it may have been like for their father Zebedee.  What does faithfulness look like when we're called to stay at home--casting the nets, catching the fish, cleaning the fish, selling the fish, and mending the nets?

Paul (#8): Set Free - September 4, 2011

"Paul (#8): Set Free"
Text: Acts 16:16-34
Pastor Jon juxtaposes Psalm 22 against the familiar story of Paul and Silas in prison, suggesting the importance of being "Set Free" from our circumstances by praising God even in the midst of them.  Even as Paul continues to learn about the boundless reach of the Gospel (this time, even to demon-possessed slave girls), he also demonstrates true freedom, even while in physical bondage.

Paul (#7): Lydia - August 21, 2011

"Paul (#7): Lydia"
Text: Acts 16:6-15
If God can use David and Solomon, and Peter and Paul, and John Mark and Timothy, then He can certainly use you.  And He can certainly use the leading lady in today’s story (Acts 16:16-34).  Pastor Jon suggests that this may be the lesson that Paul needed to learn, as the Gospel spread to (and through) one of the most unlikely candidates.

Paul (#6): Christian Unity - August 7, 2011

"Paul (#6): Christian Unity"
Text: Acts 15:36-16:5
Pastor Jon takes a look at the "Sharp Disagreement" between Paul and Barnabas at the end of Acts chapter 15.  As we trace the story, we learn not only that God can use our brokenness, but that reconciliation continues to be possible, even for relationships that seem broken beyond all hope.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Paul (#5): No Other Name - July 31, 2011

"Paul (#5): No Other Name"
Text: Acts 14:8-20
Paul is always very careful to make sure that people don't worship him, but the God that he serves.  Pastor Jon takes a look at some of Paul's teachings on this--and an event which was probably quite formative in Paul's early ministry.  Together, we learn that there is no other name under heaven and earth by which we must be saved.

Paul (#4): To the Jews and then to the Gentiles - July 24, 2011

"Paul (#4): To the Jews and then to the Gentiles"
Text: Acts 13:13-52
Like a wildfire spreading uncontrollably in the forest, Paul's missionary work begins to spread--and not just to the Jews.  Instead, it begins popping up in the least expected places: among the gentiles.  Despite persecution and opposition, Paul and Barnabus continue to take the Name of Jesus with them, wherever they go.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Paul (#3): So Send I You - July 17, 2011

"Paul (#3): So Send I You"
Sermon Text: Acts 11:19-30; 12:25-13:3
Despite Paul's miraculous conversion, despite his incredible intellect and training, and despite his ability to preach, teach, and argue a point, Paul didn’t immediately become the church leader, missionary, and author that he eventually grew into.  This week, Pastor Jon explores the period of waiting prior to Paul's comissioning by the Church.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Paul (#2): Joining the Underdogs - July 10, 2011

Paul (#2): Joining the Underdogs
Text: Acts 9:19b-31
As we continue our journey with Paul, we discover it was not all a bed of roses. We might expect that life got easy for Paul after he joined the right team, but it’s simply not the case. If anything, life suddenly became extremely difficult. For while God takes away our sins, He doesn’t always take away the burdens of life. He doesn’t promise to solve all of our problems, but He does promise to walk with us as we travel the journey.